Pervasive Quality & AI

Pervasive Quality & AI
SIPOC process map auto generated by the ProcessHorizon web app

Quality is vital for AI model development as well as for deployment of AI products and services in a process context.

AI model development depends on data quality whereas AI systems deployment is dependent on process design & process quality. AI model development and AI product and services deployment must go together like the left and right shoe.

The basic quality management algorithm is about comparing target (to be) to actual (is) values and often involves assessing the performance of processes or products against predefined quality standards or specifications. It is thus vital that quality standards and specifications meet customer requirements and stakeholder expectations also in an ESG context.

Understanding of an AI model scope, functionality as well as the opportunities & risks derived from the AI project goals can be gained by developing a SIPOC data & process model with a resulting AllinOne process map for effective communication with stakeholders.

Deployment of AI products and services should be based on a SIPOC data & process model and its resulting AllinOne process map for a holistic assessment of  its user impact and ESG risks to society.

Remember that the risks & impact of flawed data or deficient processes will be compounded and accelerated with AI deployment.

SIPOC: Source/Supplier > Input > PROCESS > Output > Customer/Destination is an AllinOne data & process modeling language easy to understand.  

Using the following link you can access this sandbox SIPOC data & process model in the ProcessHorizon web app and adapt it to your needs (easy customizing) and export or print the automagically created visual AllinOne process map as a PDF document or share it with your peers: