Link list of my recent posts Peter Haenni May 3, 2023 • 3 min read Open posting links to my linkedin account in a new tab Linkedin posts of Peter Haenni 75 Doing Business vs. Business development 74 AI ML project to automate the Shared Service Center accoAunting processes 73 Frequently asked questions about the ProcessHorizon web app 72 Conceivable automation of banking processes by AI 71 Can a bank rating process involving the following steps be considered adequate ? 70 Autonomous management enabled by an AI business simulation bot 69 Promoting a safe & stable banking system through effective regulation & supervision 68 Job related process mapping in support of a merger 67 Retail banking merger of UBS and CS 66 Manage merger & acquisition due diligence for a big bank takeover 65 Manage risks at a commercial bank 64 Process overheads at government offices 63 The versatility of the ProcessHorizon web app 62 Environmental, social and governance processes for good ESG practices 61 What are CFO's main challenges ? 60 Simplicity trumps complexity 59 An Accounting Process Model for value-oriented management 58 The General Data Protection Regulation GDPR as a SIPOC process model 57 Why is the SIPOC process modeling methodology well suited for business professionals ? 56 The blind spot of the data accuracy & data integrity process 55 Smartcuts to business process modeling 54 What's the right methodology for business process modeling ? 53 What about the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance requirement for true & fair USGAAP financial reporting ? 52 Process risk based audit strategy & audit plan 51 From activity-based costing to new value creation models 50 The SIPOC nesting doll process model architecture 49 Beware of false horizons 48 Design your work & life activities 47 Agent-based interaction model in social scape 46 Business model transformation challenges 45 SIPOC & PDCA cycle approach for QMS implementations 44 Interactive process, risks & controls modeling by the ProcessHorizon web app 43 Sophisticated simplicity promoted by the ProcessHorizon web app 42 Automation of the Schengen visa process 41 The ProcessHorizon catalyst web app, an enabler for digital transformation 40 The Business Universe for transformation from good to great 39 The two horizons process paradigm as the model for change 38 Guidance on Ethics by Design and Ethics of Use approaches for AI by the EU commission 37 Objectoriented process modeling via SIPOC 36 A business oriented process modeling approach propagated by ProcessHorizon 35 Comparison of SIPOC+ Business Process Modeling vs. BPMN 34 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: SIPOC process modeling leveraged by ProcessHorizon 33 Empowerment by automated Business Process modeling 32 Environmental & climatechange processes 31 Master automated Business Process Modeling 30 From a manual paper-based face2face offline Schengen visa application process to a fully automated online process 29 nextGen processdesign tool for iterative and interactive process documentation 28 Business driven vs. IT driven business process modeling 27 Fossil fuels dependency 26 Process transformation from seed to harvest 25 Unlock your lateral thinking creativity with savvy business processdesign 24 EightQueens problem and process model design 23 SIPOC process modeling for TQM 22 SIPOC process modeling for job mission leverage 21 Process Horizon next generation Modeling Architecture 20 Processify your life & work using the SIPOC flywheel 19 To underwriters & riskmanagers & spacefarers 18 SIPOC, a lateral process modeling methodology 17 Every business professional & subject matter expert can become a Process Champion 16 From Mind Map to automated Process Map 15 SME succession within the family, enterprise or sales 14 KMU Unternehmensnachfolge in der Familie, im Unternehmen oder Verkauf 13 Is a mulitlayer end-to-end process model a vital prerequisite to hybrid work model success ? 12 Smart Process Mapping for SOX Process Controls 11 SIPOC & PDCA cycle approach for QMS implementations 10 Good audit practice with a process model based on the IIA Performance Standards 9 Create an expert work process portfolio 8 AI Machine Learning solutions need to be audited before deployment 7 Outline AI Machine Learning process 6 AI is outperforming judges in fair and consistent sentencing 5 NextGen paradigm of Business Process Modeling & Documentation 4 Value proposition in support of auditing 3 Process modeling & documentation made easy 2 Business transformation through Process transformation 1 From manual flowcharting to augmented Computer-aided Process Design (CAPD)