Reach new peaks by leverage of integrated business process & data modeling

Reach new peaks by leverage of integrated business process & data modeling

Having spent an extended seasonal holiday in Switzerland, I will dedicate again some time to my field of interest in integrated process and data modeling with a focus on its relevance to audit, quality, compliance & risk professionals and managers.

In these disruptive times, business models  must be transformed on the fly to address the new risks and challenges like supply chain problems, resource management constraints as well as new regulations e.g. for a sustainable business. To stay competitive, flexible but sustainable processes are needed.

New business models must be supported by new integrated process models and data models.

The intuitive SIPOC methodology for process modeling  enabled by the smart ProcessHorizon web app supports and leverages an integrated process & data view as well as an end-to-end process map from Source Supplier > Input (data & material), > Process, > Output (data, product, service) to > Customer / destination over three hierarchy levels, i.e. main process strategic level, process management level and subprocess working level.  

ProcessHorizon is thus the intelligent & smart automated process modeling tool for every professional set to become a process champion.

If interested go to the free trial at