Implement ISO 27002 process model for privacy protection

Implement ISO 27002 process model for privacy protection
SIPOC process map generated by the ProcessHorizon web app

This process map provides a process model view of the ISO 27002:2022 standard for Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection from a privacy protection perspective.

ISO 27001 Annex A cf. provides a list of controls for compliance.

Below are some domains to be considered for controls in support of privacy protection:

Privacy Policy, Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), Privacy by Design and Default, Consent and Choice, Individual Participation and Rights, Anonymization and Pseudonymization, Collection Limitation, Purpose Limitation, Data Minimization, Retention and Disposal, Data Quality, Openness/Transparency and Notice, Privacy Compliance, Privacy Review                                                                              

Data Quality: implement controls to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of personal information.

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